Yoga Sun Salutations

Yoga Sun Salutations is a new app from Trayati Apps.

Surya_iPad Screen Grab

Yoga Sun Salutation - Trayati

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is a yoga technique to enhance physical mental and spiritual evolution. It is almost a complete yoga sadhana or spiritual practice in it self containing asanas pranayama and meditation techniques.
This app provides practitioners a step buy guidance for both beginners and advanced users. Users can practice this wonderful exercise with easy to navigate practice options. App also tracks the progress, which users can keep as log of their practice. App provides options to share their progress to facebook and twitter friends.
Surya Namaskar revitalizes the body and mind, it helps to eradicate disease. It loosens up all the joints and the muscles, massages the internal organs, activates the respiratory and circulatory systems.
There is no other exercise that can surpass Sun Salutation. Running, walking, swimming are excellent exercises, but they don’t exercise the body as efficiently as Yoga Sun Salutation in short time.
Sun Salutation is more than a series of physical exercises. It also has depth and completeness of a spiritual practice which harmonizes whole body mind complex.

Please consult your physician or qualified yoga teacher before you start your practice. Always avoid strain, practice only to your capacity.

Posted in Yoga Sun Salutations

Yogic Breath App

Yogic Breath App does only one thing , it provides  you  guidance to  breath better. Proper deep breathing routine or Pranayama should be essential part of any fitness routine. Yogic Breath App simplifies complex science of Pranayama into easy to use breathing technquies and routines. Check out the App in the App store.

Yogic Breath - Trayati
Breathing better will help to get relief from many day to day health related issues.

Posted in Yoga Breathing

Yogic Breath 2.0 – Yoga Breathing Routines Added

We at Trayati , thank all of you who has downloaded and started using yogic breath app 2.0.  We would be more than happy to know your feedback about , how app is helping in managing your health.

Proper pranayama / yoga breathing along with other forms of asana’s and proper diet is key to good health. Please provide your feedback and rating on the app store . Help us improve the app.

Posted in Uncategorized

Yogic Breath 2.0 is here

After two months of development , next version of the yogic breath app is released.  We are introducing yogic breath routines in this version. These routines are suggested as an aid for handling general stress , sleep apnea, weight loss, anger management. These routines are created with simple belief that, breathing helps in relieving stress and strain. These are not medical prescriptions.
With an updated information section, clearly delineated the benefits and precautions. We have also added a feature to add routines to the calendar and set reminders. This version is also tested and is compatible with iOS 5.0.

We hope you will download the latest version and practice with it.

Posted in Yoga Breathing

Deep Breathing and Stress Relief

If you are stressed out , pause . Take a break from what ever you are doing , find a quite place and practice deep breathing. Use  Yoga breathing techniques such as diaphramatic breath and alternate nostril breathing.

Yoga breathing or Pranayama , calms your mind and provides the relief from stress.  Yogic breath app can help in this . Here is the procedure ,

  1. Select the Relax breath and practice relaxation.
  2. Once body is fully relaxed , sit in comfortable position and practice Anuloma Viloma Pranayama – beginner level .
  3. Select Pranayama laying down beginner’s level and practice diaphramatic breath.
  4. Select the Relax breath.
You can repeat number of times this practice as needed.
Observe the freshness in  your thoughts once you complete this process.
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Posted in Yoga Breathing

Pranayama / Yoga Breathing Practice – General Hints

Practice Pranayama  / Yoga Breathing either early morning or in the evening just before sunset.

Practice Pranayama on empty stomach.If you are practicing pranayama in the evening make sure , you haven’t eaten for at least 3 hours before pranayama. There should not be any strain in any stage of pranayama. you must enjoy  peace,joy and happiness.Do not produce any sound while inhaling or exhaling. The room in which you practise Pranayama  must be dry and airy.  Pranayma can also be practiced out doors as long as its not too cold or too hot.  Practice few rounds of pranayama before meditation , this will drive away drowsiness .

Posted in Yoga Breathing

Rejuvenate : Begin your summer with practice of pranayama

Yogic Breath app is free for next three days. Please download, practice and provide your feedback and ratings on app store.

“Yoga primarily works with the energy in the body through the science of pranayama or energy-control. Prana also means ‘breath.’ Yoga teaches how to still the mind through breath-control and attain higher states of awareness. The higher teachings of yoga take one beyond techniques and show the yogi or yoga practitioner how to direct his concentration in such a way as not only to harmonize human with divine consciousness, but to merge his consciousness in the Infinite.”

-Paramahansa Yogananda

Posted in Yoga Breathing

Yogic Breath App -Appeared on the Healthcare & Fitness Top Paid iPad Apps genre charts.

Appeared on charts in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, US.Appeared on the Healthcare

  • iTunes US Healthcare & Fitness Apps on 20-06-2011:#32
  • iTunes Australia Healthcare & Fitness Apps on 23-06-2011: #11
  • iTunes UK Healthcare & Fitness Apps on 18-06-2011 : #13
  • iTunes Canada Healthcare & Fitness Apps on 23-06-2011 : #26
  • iTunes Belgium Healthcare & Fitness Apps on 20-06-2011 :# 31
  • iTunes Denmark Healthcare &  Fitness Apps on 23-06-2011:#32

Thanks a lot for your support , we  could not have achieved this with out the help from all of you.

Please provide your feedback on the app store and also let us know how we can improve the app further.

Posted in Yoga Breathing

Yogic Breath App 1.1 launched

We have launched Yogic Breath version 1.1 

Please update , this is an  important update for all the customers who are using the app on iPad. There was issue with the way practice audio functions on iPad version of the app, its fixed now. Our aim is to continuously improve the app .  In this regard we need all users of the app to provide us your valuable feedback. Please let us know any  new features you would like them to be part of the app.  And also please provide your reviews / ratings on the app store .

Thanks a lot for support shown so far.

Posted in Yoga Breathing

Pranayama – Yogic Breath

The Breath is the most vital possess of the body. Yoga Breathing is a profound way to use the whole lung capacity and learn the control of your whole respiratory system maximizing your oxygen. Improving your breathing habits will lead to increased vitality and doing a few rounds of breathing exercises each day will thoroughly “recharge your batteries”.

Yoga breathing, or Pranayama, is the science of breath control. It consists of series of exercises especially intended to meet the body’s needs and keep it in vibrant health.The primary element of life is derived from the air we breathe. In yoga, this subtle element is known as prana or life-force. Prana is not the air itself but the subtle life-giving element extracted from the air. The more life-force you have in your body, the more “alive” you are; the less life-force, the less “life”.

Yoga Breathing or Pranayama should not be forced and done without proper preparation It is part of a process in yoga. Breath control is a spiritual practice of cleansing the mind and body which should be done appropriately and with proper guidance and preparation.

Please study the instructions and view the video and then go to the practice. Especialy , When practising kapalabhati for the first time, dizziness or hyperventilation may occur if you do it incorrectly, so make sure only the abdomen is moving, both in inhalation and exhalation (not the chest or collar bone. At the least sign of dizziness, immediately stop the practice, lie down and relax on your back.

Yoga can be physically demanding activity . it is vitally important that you are in  a physical condition that will allow you to participate without presenting danger to yourself or others. If you have any concerns that a health condition , injury or previous lack of physical acitivty may put you at risk of personal injury or discomfort , Please consult your physican before commencing on any yoga practice.

Here is our attempt to help practice pranayama  in an easy to follow app with voice of true yoga master , please download the app from app store and provide us your feedback

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Posted in Yoga Breathing
Yoga Sun Salutation
Yogic Breath App
Yogic Breath App User Feedback

Pure, simple and wonderful
by BoGAndi
I use this app every day, and there is still so much to learn and discover about it. I started with the lying down relaxation, which is a short Yoga Nidra, now I am using Alternate Nostril Breath as well, to get rid of stress at work, and this is only the beginning. Thank you for the great details! Very useful and beautiful app!

Very helpful
by Otkid
I have just started yoga instructor training, and I find this app very helpful and simple to use. Even my yoga teacher was impressed with this app.